First Friday: October 20203 min read
- Oct 02, 2020
- first fridays
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The air is crisp, the leaves are changing, and football season has begun! I am excited for sweaters and all the pumpkin-spiced foods, though also sad that I will likely be seeing a lot less of my friends now that it’s getting a little cool to meet up outdoors. This coming winter will not be an easy one, but I would urge all of you to stay safe and limit indoor socializing even as things cool down.

One of my favorite photos I took on a fall colors hike last weekend in Minturn, CO.
This morning, I hosted October’s First Friday virtually, and was joined by Mayor Pro Tem Mark Lacis, Trustee Kevin Ryan; we were also joined by Trustee Candidate Paige Henchen. As usual, I will not attempt to provide a complete recap of every point, but will provide a short rundown of the topics I heard, which can help provide a pulse of the town.
Topics discussed at October’s First Friday include:
- Fence to Hodgson Harris Reservoir: A resident complimented the work / improvements on 88th Street, but was concerned that the easier access from 88th Street to Hodgson Harris Reservoir (and lack of a fence) will encourage more fishing and could also lead to people dumping waste there. I sent a note to the Town Manager to learn more about whether any plans for fencing were in the works or who is responsible for this.
- Abandoned Vehicles: A resident reported that he’s had two abandoned vehicles on his street which have been ticketed and continue to sit without being towed; I sent a note to our Town Manager to follow up on this as well.
- Halloween activities: One participant asked about our thoughts on Halloween activities and how they could proceed. The state has released their COVID Halloween guidance here, and the Town of Superior will also be passing this information along to all residents via eBlast.
- Election: There are six candidates running for three open seats on our Town Board; I would encourage everyone to learn more about the candidates (Gladys Forshee, Chris Ochs, Mark Lacis, Tim Howard, Paige Henchen, and Kevin Ryan) prior to casting your ballot. In addition to visiting the candidate websites, some great resources are last night’s League of Women Voters Candidate Forum and Wednesday night’s Face the Chamber event.
- 1500 Coalton: Work is progressing on the build out of our new community center, with PG Arnold currently working to install the structural steel for the mezzanine level and ramping up electrical, HVAC ducting, and framing work.
- Pool improvements: We discussed what improvements are needed to the pools (general maintenance / upkeep since they are aging) and whether the whole town is looking for significant improvements and pool expansion or just special interest groups like the Rock Creek Flyers.
- Park usage: We discussed usage of Purple Park and whether the space is fully utilized, particularly in comparison to Wildflower Park which is smaller but has more designated areas / shade structures.
- Airport noise: A resident brought up RMMA noise, which was particularly relevant to me as I had planes buzzing over my house throughout First Friday 🙂 For the latest news and updates, check out our Town Airport page here.
Hope to see you at next month’s First Friday! If you have thoughts on these or other topics, I would encourage you to attend our next virtual Board meeting on Monday October 12th, where you may speak up in public comment, or email the full Board at
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